School in Osaka


MCA School introduction(Video)


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Mitsumine Career Academy
Japanese Language Course

Dai3 Yamahiro Bldg. 4-1-1,
Kitashinnjuku, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo, Japan 169-0074


Class scenery



MCA aims to develop students’ proficiency in any situations, such as in academic or business. By learning necessary elements everyday at school, students can develop speaking, writing, listening and reading skills for the next level of communication. Based on these acquired skills, students can learn more advanced level of Japanese in classes appropriate to their own needs and interests. It is MCA’s aim that students can progress from understanding to application of learned Japanese and finally be quite fluent as native Japanese.
MCA wants the students not to miss any single class which is easy-to-understand, interesting, and useful to everybody.

School hours
 From Mon to Fri 20hours per week
 [morning]   9:00-12:30 [afternoon]13:10-16:40

Total class

 General Class    800 hours/year


 Grammar/Reading/conversation/listeining/writing/composition/vocabularies/current events
 Japanese Culture (tea ceremony/Japanese dancing etc.)

Student Goals

 Passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test(JLPT) of N1
 Entrance into college, university, graduate school or vocational school in Japan
 Fluency in Japanese (for practical speaking/writing ability)
 Knowing Japanese culture and society



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Elementary I

Total class : 200 hours
Main Textbook : Gogaku Ryugakusei no tame no Nihongo I

Students at this level will gain a basic conversation skill
(same level as JLPT N4)

Elementary II

Total class : 400 hours
Main Textbook : Gogaku Ryugakusei no tame no Nihongo II

Student at this level should be able to complete Elementary level, and will gain a skill to express their feelings or opinions.
(same level as JLPT N3)

Beginning/Intermediate    Intermediate I

Total class : 600 hours
Main Textbook : Original teaching materials

Student at this level will gain a skill to have longer conversation or give explanations and communicate about daily topic.

Intermediate II

Total class : 800 hours
Main Textbook : Cyukyu kara manabu Nihongo

Student at this level will be able to gain a sentence pattern of Intermediate level and changes a manner of speaking to suit the occasion.

Intermediate III

Total class : 1000 hours
Main Textbook : Cyukyu kara manabu Nihongo

Student at this level will be able to understand and give his/her oppinions about topics of social/current matters.
(same level as JLPT N2)

Advanced Intermediate

Total class : 1200 hours
Main Textbook: Original teaching materials

Student at this level aims at gaining a skill of speaking, writing, listening, reading which are the same as Japanese and will be able to almost understand what people say in dairly conversations.
(same level as JLPT N1 or N2)

Advanced I

Total class: 1400 hours
Main Textbook: Jyoukyou de manabu Nihongo

Student at this level aims at gaining a skil of Japanese to deal with writing an essay, reading a technical book and discussing about social issues.
(same level as JLPT N1, EJU more than 219 point)

Advanced II

Total class : 1600 hours
Main Textbook: Jyoukyu de manabu Nihongo

Student at this level will gain a Japanese skill of pronunciation, intonation or Japanese expression to deal with various ocassions and contents in natural Japanese like native speakers.

Advanced III

Total class: 1800 hours~
Main Textbook: Teaching materials depended on purpose of class

Student at this level will gain a high level of expression or skill to use Japanese according to many occations while he/she learns various manners of Japanese usage and aim at a gaining powerful Japanese skill to work on a society or community.